Efficient adsorption of dyes from aqueous solution by poly(vinyl alcohol‐co‐ethylene) nanofibre membranes modified with β‐cyclodextrinAbstract: In this paper, highly absorbent poly(vinyl alcohol‐...
Bioinspired smart moisture actuators basedon nanoscale cellulose materials and porous, hydrophilic EVOH nanofibrousmembranesAbstract: Biomimetic actuators with rapid responsespeed, high sensitivity, a...
Ultrasensitive wearable pressure sensorsassembled by surface-patterned polyolefin elastomer nanofiber membraneinterpenetrated with silver nanowiresAbstract: Wearable pressure sensors withultrahigh sen...
A novel PU/PVA-co-PE composite nanofibermembrane for water filtrationAbstract: Filter membranes with highefficiency and low energy consumption are gaining more attention owing to theincrease in water ...
Flexible nanofibers-reinforced silk fibroinfilms plasticized by glycerolAbstract: The difficulty of dispersingnanofillers and the insufficient of flexibility remains major obstacle to theexpansion of ...
Multistimulus Responsive Actuator with GOand Carbon Nanotube/PDMS Bilayer Structure for Flexible and Smart DevicesAbstract: Smart devices with abilities ofperceiving, processing, and responding are at...
PVA-co-PE Nanofibrous Filter Media withTailored Three-Dimensional Structure for High Performance and Safe AerosolFiltration via Suspension-Drying ProcedureAbstract: High efficient filtration of airpol...
Nanosizednickel decorated sisal fibers with tailored aggregation structures forcatalysis reduction of toxic aromatic compoundsAbstract: Integration of highly-active nanoscale metal-based components in...
Highperformance HKUST-1@PVA-co-PE/PVA hybrid hydrogel with enhanced selectiveadsorptionAbstract: The immobilization of metal organic frames (MOFs), HKUST-1, on a hydrogelreinforced with PVA-co-PE nano...
Insitu prepared nanosized Pt-Ag/PDA/PVA-co-PE nanofibrous membrane forhighly-efficient catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenolAbstract: Combining highly-active noble metal nanoparticles and unique 3D nan...
AQC functionalized CNCs/PVA-co-PE composite nanofibrous membrane with flower-like microstructures for photo-induced multi-functional protective clothingAbstract: The protective textiles with multifunc...
Flexible supercapacitor with high energy density prepared by GO-induced porous coral-like polypyrrole (PPy)/PET non-woven fabricsAbstract: Graphene oxide (GO)-induced porous coral-like pol...
Dynamic Layer-by-Layer Films on Nanofiber Membrane: A Platform for Ultra-sensitive Bacterial Concentration Detection Absract: Herein, a new platform was established for ultra-sensitive bacterial conce...
A facile route to the production of polymeric nanofibrous aerogels for environmentally sustainable applicationsAbstract: Mesoporous polymeric aerogels with high compressibility and durability have dra...
Antibacterial and Rechargeable Surface Functional Nanofiber Membrane for Healthcare Textile ApplicationAbctract: Nosocomial cross infection (NCI) threaten human health seriously, cause enormous econom...
The poly(vinyl alcohol-co-ethylene) nanofiber/silica coated composite membranes for oil/water and oil-in-water emulsion separationAbstrct: In this study, the superhydrophilic and under water oleophobi...
A thin film composite membrane supported by a hydrophilic poly(vinyl alcohol‐co‐ethylene) nanofiber membrane: Preparation, characterization, and application in nanofiltrationABSTRACT: In this study,...
Highly transparent and rollable PVA-co -PE nanofibers synergistically reinforced with epoxy film for flexible electronic devicesAbstract: The development of electronics towards a more functions-integr...
Ethylenediamine-assisted synthesis of microsized cobalt sulfide as advanced anode materials for sodium ion batteriesAbstract: Microsized cobalt sulfide is prepared via a solvothermal method in ethylen...
Continuously Producible Ultrasensitive Wearable Strain Sensor Assembled with Three-Dimensional Interpenetrating Ag Nanowires/Polyolefin Elastomer Nanofibrous Composite YarnAbstract: Fiber-shaped strai...