Insitu prepared nanosized Pt-Ag/PDA/PVA-co-PE nanofibrous membrane forhighly-efficient catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol
Abstract: Combining highly-active noble metal nanoparticles and unique 3D nanofibrousstructure is significant to enhance their intrinsic properties such ascatalytic performance. Here, we prepared a poly (vinyl alcohol-co-ethylene)(PVA-co-PE) nanofibrous membrane (NFM) decorated by polydopamine (PDA) via amelt-phase-separated nanofiber-suspension coating followed by in-situpolymerization. The as-prepared PDA modified NFM worked as the in-situ reducingagent to capture silver ions and transfer them to Ag nanoparticles (NPs). ThenAg/PDA/NFM was further coated with Pt NPs by magnetron sputtering technique.The morphology and structure analysis showed that the Ag NPs in diameter from10 to 200 nm and Pt nanoparticles coating has been successfully immobilized onPDA/NFM. The catalytic rate constant of Pt-Ag/PDA/NFM in the reduction reactionof p-nitrophenol (p-NP) was about 34.43×10-3 s-1 higher than that of Ag/PDA/NFM(30.20×10-3 s-1) and Pt/PDA/NFM (0.188 ×10-3 s-1), respectively, when magnetronsputtering time of Pt was 100 s. It can be attributed to the electronic effectin bimetallic catalyst and the enhancement effect of nanofibrous membrane withhigh specific surface area. Furthermore, Pt-Ag/PDA/NFM presented an excellentcyclic feature that still about 98% conversion of p-NP after 6 times implyingits superiority in reduction degradation of p-nitrophenols.
Cheng Pan, et al. In situ prepared nanosized Pt-Ag/PDA/PVA-co-PE nanofibrous membranefor highly-efficient catalytic reduction of p-nitrophenol. Composites Communications, 2018, 9, 11-16.