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发布日期:2021-03-12    作者:         点击:


  钟亚平,技术研究院,讲师。复旦大学无机化学专业博士(2020)。目前已发表SCI高水平学术论文20余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Acta Biomaterialia,Nanoscale, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical等期刊上发表SCI论文15篇;申请中国发明专利12项,授权8项;合著中文书籍1本;主持湖北省教育厅青年人才项目1项,教育部重点实验室项目1项,参与国家级项目2项。曾荣获硕士研究生国家奖学金,复旦大学博士生优秀学业奖学金等荣誉称号。

E-mail: ypzhong@wtu.edu.cn







2. 纺织纤维及制品教育部重点实验室开放课题项目,表面聚多巴胺/纳米铜功能复合纳米纤维膜敷料的构筑及响应抗菌机制研究(Fzxw2021023)2021.10-2023.10,在研,主持


1. Yaping Zhong*, Lijuan Guo, Zhentan Lu,Dong Wang*, 3Aminophenylboronic acidfunctionalized molybdenumdisulfide quantum dots for fluorescent determination of hypochlorite, Microchimica Acta, 2023, 190: 7.

2. Qinqin Yang, Ying Qin, Tiantian Lei, YapingZhong*, Xipeng Cui, Yu He*, Co(OH)2/MXeneTi3C2nanocomposites with tripleenzyme mimic activitiesas hydrogel sensing platform for onsite detection ofhypoxanthine, Microchimica Acta, 2022,189: 481.

3.Yaping Zhong*, Yibiao Zou, XianhongYang, Zhentan Lu, Dong Wang*, Ascorbic acid detector based on fluorescentmolybdenum disulfide quantum dots,Microchimica Acta,2022,189: 19.

4. Xianhong Yang, Yaping Zhong*, Dong Wang, Zhentan Lu*, A simple colorimetric methodfor viable bacteria detection based on Cell Counting Kit-8, Analytical Methods, 2021, 13: 5211-5215.

5. Yaping Zhong,Yibiao Zou, Lingyan Liu, Ruohan Li, Fengfeng Xue, Tao Yi*, pH-responsive Ag2Snanodots loaded with heat shock protein 70 inhibitor forphotoacoustic imaging-guided photothermal cancertherapy, Acta Biomaterialia, 2020, 115:358-370.

6. Yaping Zhong, TaoYi*, MoS2 quantum dots as a unique fluorescent “turn-off–on’’ probefor the simple and rapid determination of adenosine triphosphate, Journal of MaterialsChemistry B, 2019,7(15): 2549-2556.

7. Yaping Zhong, Fengfeng Xue, Peng Wei, Ruohan Li, Chunyan Cao, Tao Yi*, Water-soluble MoS2quantum dots for facile and sensitive fluorescence sensing of alkalinephosphatase activity in serum and live cells based on the inner filter effect, Nanoscale, 2018, 10(45): 21298-21306.

8. Yaping Zhong,Chun Deng, Yu He*, Yili Ge, Gongwu Song*, Exploring a monothiolatedβ-cyclodextrin as the template to synthesize copper nanoclusters with exceptionally increased peroxidase-like activity, Microchimica Acta, 2016, 183: 2823-2830.

9. Yaping Zhong,Qingpu Wang, Yu He*, Yili Ge, Gongwu Song*; A novel fluorescence and naked eyesensor for iodide in urine based on the iodide induced oxidative etching andaggregation of Cu nanoclusters, Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2015, 209: 147-153.

10.Yaping Zhong, Jingjing Zhu, QingpuWang, Yu He*, Yili Ge, Congwu Song, Copper nanoclusters coated with bovine serum albumin as aregenerable fluorescent probe for copper(II) ion, Microchimica Acta, 2015, 182: 909-915.


1. 钟亚平,王栋,鲁振坦, 磁珠法提取稳定型细菌基因组DNA的试剂盒及其提取方法,中国专利,ZL 202110722206.5

2. 王栋,钟亚平,鲁振坦, 一种磁珠法快速提取细菌质粒DNA的试剂盒及提取方法,中国专利,ZL 202110722204.6

3. 易涛,钟亚平,一种以硫磺为硫源一步水热制备二硫化钼量子点的方法,中国专利,ZL 201810165322.X

4. 易涛,钟亚平,一种荧光二硫化钼量子点及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,ZL 201810166068.5

5. 易涛,钟亚平,薛峰峰,魏鹏,李若涵,曹春艳,利用二硫化钼量子点内滤效应荧光检测碱性磷酸酶活性的方法,中国专利,ZL 201810166069.X
