赫羴姗,哈尔滨工业大学博士,武汉纺织大学技术研究院讲师,硕士生导师。长期从事膜法分离领域的研究,近五年发表文章共8篇,均为SCI论文。以第一作者发表SCI论文4篇,累积影响因子31.74,其中一区TOP文章3篇,美国国家科学院院刊1篇,化工三大刊1篇,其中2篇入选ESI高被引论文,累计SCI他引次数114次。Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials期刊审稿人。
1. 气体分离膜材料
2. 纳滤膜分离技术
1) Shanshan He, Bin Zhu, XuJiang, Gang Han, Songwei Li, Cher Hon Lau, Yadong Wu, Yanqiu Zhang, Lu Shao*.Symbiosis-inspired de novo synthesis of ultrahigh MOF growth mixed matrixmembranes for sustainable carbon capture. Proceedings of theNational Academy of the Sciences of the United States of America. 2022 119 (1)e2114964119. (PNAS, 顶刊, IF:11.205)
2) Xu Jiang1, Shanshan He1, Gang Han, Jun Long,Songwei Li, Cher Hon Lau, Sui Zhang, and Lu Shao*. Aqueous One-Step Modulationfor Synthesizing Monodispersed ZIF‑8 Nanocrystals for Mixed-Matrix Membrane. ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 11296-11305. (一区Top期刊, IF: 9.229)
3) Shanshan He, Bin Zhu, SongweiLi, Yanqiu Zhang, Xu Jiang*, Cher Hon Lau*, Lu Shao*. Recent progress in PIM-1based membranes for sustainable CO2 separations: polymer structure manipulationand mixed matrix membrane design. Separation and Purification Technology. 2022, 284:120277 (一区Top期刊, IF: 7.312)
4) Shanshan He, Xu Jiang, SongweiLi, Feitian Ran, Jun Long, Lu Shao*. Intermediate thermal manipulation ofpolymers of intrinsic microporous (PIMs) membranes for gas separations. AIChEJournal, 2020, 66, e16543. (化工三大刊, IF:3.993)
5) Bin Zhu, Xu Jiang, Shanshan He, XiaobinYang, Jun Long, Yanqiu Zhang*, and Lu Shao*. Rational design of poly(ethyleneoxide) based membranes for sustainable CO2 capture. Journal ofMaterials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 24233-24252. (一区Top期刊, IF:12.732)
6) SongweiLi, Xu Jiang, Hongguang Sun, Shanshan He, Liling Zhang, Lu Shao*.Mesoporous dendritic fibrous nanosilica (DFNS) stimulating mix matrix membranestowards superior CO2 capture. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019,586, 185-191. (一区Top期刊, IF: 8.742)
7) XuJiang, Shanshan He, Songwei Li, Yongping Bai and Lu Shao*. Penetrating chains mimicking plant root branching to buildmechanically robust, ultra-stable CO2-philic membranes for superiorcarbon capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 16704-16711. (一区Top期刊, IF: 12.732)
8) XuJiang, Songwei Li, Shanshan He, Yongping Bai and Lu Shao*. Interface manipulationof CO2-philic composite membranes containing designedUiO-66derivatives towards highly efficient CO2 capture. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018,6, 15064-15073. (一区Top期刊, IF:12.732)