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发布日期:2024-01-11    作者:         点击:

Highly sensitive stretchable ffber-based temperature sensor enhanced by surface-chemically modiffed silver nanowires

Abstract:The real-time monitoring of human temperature can facilitate efffcient family health supervision, disaster diagnosis, and treatment. To meet these requirements, there is an urgent need to develop ffbre-based temperature sensors with high sensitivity, fast response rates, and excellent stability. This study investigated the positive temperature characteristics of a stretchable and strain-insensitive temperature sensor with a chemically modiffed silver nanowire (AgNW). The regulation of the surface polymer on the AgNWs using a conductive ligand of polyaniline-L-cysteine ethyl ester hydrochloride (PANI-LCO) improved the network conductivity by decreasing the junction resistance. In addition, the pristine ffexibility and helicoid structure of a spandex polyurethane (SP) covered yarn substrate proved advantageous for the ultra-stretchability of the temperature sensor. Therefore, the synergistic effect of the PANI-LCO-AgNWs and the substrate endowed the composite ffbre-based temperature sensor with a high-temperature coefffcient of resistance (TCR) of 47.4%/◦C and a high stretchability of up to 120%. Furthermore, this study investigated the actual characteristics of the sensor required for the highperformance monitoring of human temperatures. Moreover, theoretical calculations of the electrical distribution of the PANI-LCO ligands further conffrmed the experimental chemical modiffcation. A ffbre-based temperaturesensor can be integrated and woven or sewn onto a cloth or glove with high adaptability. This work provides an efffcient strategy to control the surface chemical structure of metal nanomaterials as well as the design of ffbre-based temperature sensors that are promising for wearable healthcare management systems, artiffcial intelligence, electronic skin, and smart robots.

Jingling Ban, Ying Lu, Jing Lu, KangyuJia, Mengying Luo, Yang Zhou, Dong Wang, Longhai Piao,Highly sensitivestretchable fiber-based temperature sensor enhanced by surface-chemicallymodified silver nanowires,Chemical Engineering Journal,Volume 482,2024,148772.
