Wet‐SpinningFabrication of Flexible Conductive Composite Fibers from Silver Nanowires andFibroin
Abstract:Biocompatible flexible conductivecomposite fibers have attracted great research interest because of multitude oftheir potential applications, such as wearable devices, biomedical sensors, andactuators. Herein, highly conductive and flexible silver nanowire(AgNW)/fibroin composite fibers were fabricated by using a wet-spinningtechnique. The composite fiber conductivity was as high as 5670S/cm at an AgNW concentration of29.1wt%. The composite fibers alsoexhibited high flexibilities and could be folded without losing theirconductivities. Furthermore, the composite fiber fabricated with a 3× drawratio exhibited a breaking strain of 27.3% and breaking stress of 118.1cN/dtex. Our attempt to produce such biocompatible flexible conductivecomposite fibers by using sustainable regenerated silk fibroins and compatibleAgNWs via wet spinning may provide a practical way for fabricating functionalbiocompatible fiber materials.
Lu Ying, et al.Wet-Spinning Fabrication of Flexible Conductive Composite Fibers from SilverNanowires and Fibroin. Bulletin of theKorean Chemical Society, 2020, 41, 162-169.