Fully Flexible Yarn-Based Phototransistors for UV−Visible Light
Abstract: A novel flexible photodetector usingyarn-based phototransistors is reported for the first-time. Reduced grapheneoxide (rGO) doped with poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/poly-(styrenesulfonate)(PEDOT:PSS) was prepared by simple solution processing and coated by tungstendisulfide quantum dots (WS2 QDs) for novel yarn-based phototransistors (YPTs).The transistor-based photodetector exhibits good p-type transistor behavior andhigh transconductance (4.7 mS). The YPTs with an rGO-PEDOT:PSS/WS2 QDsheterojunction as the photosensitive layer are regulated by different lightwavelength, light power, and gate voltage with UV−visiblelight. It is observed that the highest photoresponsivity of the device (Rmax)is 4.42 × 102 A/W under 365 nm UV light, the maximum specific detectivity (D*max)is 2.86 × 1011 Jones, and the fast response and recovery times are 1.78 and2.91 s under a broad wavelength range, respectively. This excellent performancecan be attributed to the synergistic effect of the WS2 QDs/rGO-PEDOT :PSScomposites. In addition, the fully flexible phototransistor prepared bycomposite nanomaterials coated on viscose yarn still maintains a stableperformance under different bending states and has been successfully applied inthe field of UV−visible visual detection and intelligentwearable optoelectronics. These results pave a simple route for the developmentof wearable, high-performance optoelectronic devices.

Panpan Hao, Wei Jiang, Mengjie Li, MufangLi, Qiongzhen Liu, Liyan Yang, Yan Tan, Yuedan Wang, and Dong Wang ACSPhotonics 2024 11 (1), 128-138 DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01051